Sam: A horrible week of running for me filled with squandered opportunities and long travels. S(12), M(6, felt awful), T(rest), W(traveled to Phoenix and spent all day sitting in airports), W(7), T(conference all day, too lazy to run on the hotel treadmill), S(a quick 5 when I get to Syracuse). I'm currently flying over the Rocky Mountains. 30 miles total. let's see if my shitty volume translates into a decent result tomorrow.
RO$$: S(8), M(10), T(0), W(7), R(0), F(8), S(0). 33 miles total. Bad week for me as well, which was something of a trend for Le Trois last week. I also had to travel (as fauthful readers know) and it sucked. In my opinion, the most disappointing aspect of all three of us having crap weeks leading into the half was that none of us could use everyone's favorite chickenshit running excuse: "I'm just training through this race." It's a really great excuse because if you run awesome, you can pretend like you would have broken the world record had you only tapered, and if you run like shit, saying that you trained through the race implies that you fully intended to run like shit and aren't secretly depressed inside. Alas, all of us inadvertently cut our mileage last week. Oh well.
(Sorry for the retroactive nature of this post. I would propose that we all at least add some thoughts about the race this week, although Gordon should step it up. Last week's poor showing running-wise was also a poor week writing-wise, so a boost in content wouldn't be a bad thing.)
Gordon: S(9) M(7) T(7) W(off) R(5) F(8) S(off) 36 miles for the week. Also, crappy. There were a number of excuses to boost our egos about the way we ran in the half marathon, but Ross is right. It was a crappy volume week all around. I got two runs with Ross in, which was great, and we, obviously, ran about 14 on Sunday, but disappointing volume wise. However, in brighter news, it seems like Le Trois is poised for greatness, or at least meet-moderate-expectationness, for the Pittsburgh Marathon.
More to come about this later today, as we all review the results.
Where is the live twitter feed from the race course?