Sunday, November 14, 2010

Biking is fun, but womanly

I hadn't put a lot of thought into what would happen after the marathon. I think that I assumed it'd be like an extended road race. I'd take some time off for soreness: about a day or two. Then, Monday Will asked how I was feeling, and then made me promise not to run for two weeks. I, of course, blew this off. Then, I started talking to everyone I knew about it.

Just to kill the suspense, I'm taking everyone's advice and taking off two weeks before I start running again.

I didn't realize how much time in my life running takes up. I, now, have nothing to do.

So, today I'm going for a bike ride (Will approved) and I might stop at the gym (lady approved). I was thinking about running a turkey trot in a week, but I wouldn't be able to race it. I doubt my ability to exercise self-control during the race, and I fear I would wind up pushing it on my first run back.

Anyway, looking forward to running, once again, in a week.

1 comment:

  1. Not my advice. 8x1000 2:45, equal rest for you spikes...scratch that: high heels. Heal fast, young buck.
