Saturday, April 30, 2011
Week 24 Recap
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A Day of TV
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Week 23 Recap
Haters Gonna Hate: This week, my training takes the back burner to the fact that our dear blog has had it's first random internet stranger post, in defense of -------- -----'s race day bathroom mishap. It's a proud moment for Marathon à Trois, a proud moment indeed. If I'm in any position to hit my own 2:37 in Pittsburgh over the last six miles, rest assured, you'll all know what I'll be thinking about.
The week: S(14, tempo), M(off), T(6), W(9), R(8, hills), F(6), S(11, fartlek) for total of 54 miles. Sunday's run gave me a good backdrop for understanding the Boston winds, as Steve and I did an 8 mile tempo to see if he should bother running Mountain Goat amidst third year rotations (he should). We went four miles out on the canal path with a tailwind that we could barely feel and then got blasted the whole way back once we turned around. Overall, we averaged around 5:50, but rest assured, it was a whole lot harder with the head wind--easily 20 or so seconds per mile.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
A Minor Celebration
In running news, the marathon is getting ridiculously close--three weeks and three days to be exact. Yesterday I did 25 minutes of hill repeats (jog included, of course--I'm not that motivated) as prep for the Mountain Goat, which is, naturally, my prep for Pittsburgh. I'm really not sure what to expect after taking some down time for my hamstring, but for the most part, my plans remain the same. Since we've got less than a month to go and I've got ten minutes to kill, here's a rough draft of my plans until Race Day:
T-4 weeks: R(10), F(8), S(12 hard)
T-3 weeks: S(20), M(off), T(10, Yasso 800's), W(6), R(10 w/ hard strides), F(6), S(6)
T-2 weeks: S(14, Mountain Goat), M(off), T(8), W(10, 400's), R(8), F(10, 6@tempo), S(10)
T-1 week: S(10 w/ hard strides), M(off), T(8, 200's), W(5), R(5), F(off), S(5)
May 15: Race
I have never messed around with any glycogen depletion/boosting stuff, but if someone has had positive results with this, please feel free to comment.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Second American
Letsrun thread
Baby penguin getting tickled
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Week 22 Recap
Sam: Four weeks to go. Last week went a lil' somethin' like this: S(17), M(0), T(6), W(5), R(4), F(5), S(9). 46 miles total. Not a whole lot of running going on this week thanks to the fact that I was trying to keep the hamstring tendonitis at bay. It's feeling pretty good; I just don't want any major flare-ups from here to the marathon. Saturday was a 5-mile "race" at Long Branch Park, where they held the Heart Walk. Most people go for the Walk, which is around 11 am, but they also have a run at 8 am for a far fewer number of people. There were three and five mile options, so I finished with a lot of three mile people in 27:11, making it a fairly unheralded victory. Today is long with some pace work mixed in.
RO$$: S(8), M(10), T(0), W(0), R(12), F(0), S(16). Like Sam, 46 miles total. This week ended up being a little short because of two Penguins home games (a win and a loss, for those concerned about the host city's state of mind), and the fact that it was raining pretty hard on Tuesday. Yesterday I went out to a trail with the objective of doing a twenty miler, but right around mile 12, it started raining hard enough that the run became truly miserable, so I cut it short. If there's one thing I'm not willing to do in the name of running a slighty faster marathon, it's making myself suffer through a downpour. No home Pens games this week, so I'm hoping that this will be a big week. Rain could mess that up, though.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What Can Marathon a Trois Learn From Abbott, Costello and a Wad of Used Toilet Paper?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Boo Hiss

Hence, this is my rationale for taking a day off per week from here to the marathon. I feel like, for the most part, the proverbial hay is in the barn, even if some cows may end up going hungry this winter. You can really see how far we've come when you're resigning yourself to a single day off each week. Looking back to the early weeks of training, it was great news if we ran three times.
Diagnosis: Pes ancerinus tendonitis
Prescription: More cowbell
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Week 21 Recap
Friday, April 8, 2011
Cherry Blossom 10 Miler
Sam, who now runs for the Georgetown Running Company, ran 50:45, good for 18th place. As someone who struggled running 5:00 pace on the track just yesterday, I can appreciate the effort involved in maintaining sub-5:05 pace for ten miles straight. Congratulations, Sam. You, too, have put le trois to shame.

Place Div /Tot Num Name Ag Net Tim Pace
===== =========== ====== ==================== == ======= =====
1 1/398 3 Lelisa Desisa 21 45:36 4:34
2 2/398 13 Allan Kiprono 21 45:41 4:35
3 1/1470 5 Ridouane Harroufi 29 46:27 4:39
4 3/398 17 Lani Kiplagat 22 46:30 4:39
5 2/1470 27 Macdonard Ondara 26 46:52 4:42
6 3/1470 29 Tesfaye Sendeku 28 46:53 4:42
7 4/1470 21 Stephen Muange 29 47:30 4:45
8 4/398 23 Simon Cheprot 21 47:32 4:46
9 5/1470 31 Josphat Boit 27 47:50 4:47
10 1/1078 25 Girma Tola 35 47:56 4:48
11 5/398 47 Ezkyas Sisay 22 47:58 4:48
12 6/1470 51 Tesfaye Assefa 27 48:03 4:49
13 7/1470 33 Lucas Meyer 27 48:26 4:51
14 8/1470 296 David Nightingale 25 48:39 4:52
15 9/1470 45 Augustus Maiyo 27 49:56 5:00
16 10/1470 107 Karl Dusen 28 50:06 5:01
17 1/1327 105 Bert Rodriguez 31 50:25 5:03
18 6/398 297 Sam Luff 24 50:45 5:05
19 7/398 106 Jerry Greenlaw 23 50:55 5:06
20 11/1470 112 Brian Flynn 27 51:08 5:07
Mile-ish Workout
1000 - 3:08
200 - :34
(lap jog)
800 - 2:31
200 - :33
(lap jog)
600 - 1:54
200 - :32
(lap jog)
400 - 1:14
200 - :32
(lap jog)
200 - :35
200 - :30
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sam the Cat
Initially, the thought of getting a cat didn't thrill me. Those close to me know that, when I was four, the cat of a neighbor -- completely unprovoked -- slashed me down my right forearm. Forgive me for dipping my pen in cliched ink when I say that the physical scars vanished long ago, the emotional ones still remain. But, being the loving husband that I am, I couldn't bring myself to stand in the way of Carrie's right to ignore me in favor of some animal she'd just met. So on March 27th, 2011, Sam the cat (not to be confused with Sam the MaT) entered our lives.
Early on it became clear that having a cat would be more enjoyable than I'd anticipated. Perhaps my biggest concern was that our condo would quickly become covered in a layer of cat hair, but it seems that Sam sheds considerably less than I do, which is a plus, I guess. And we are lucky that Sam isn't one of those asshole cats who constantly gets mad at you. Even if you approach her when she doesn't want to be picked up, she doesn't fight back at all. So, since it quickly became apparent that Sam had the potential to be more to me than a mere co-habitant, I started thinking about how I could take this cat ownership thing to the next level. My inspiration came from this very blog.
In past entires, I've complained about always having to run alone, because it sucks. But since I knew that Sam the MaT regularly forces his once-abused dog to do long runs and Yasso 1000s with him, I figured it couldn't do much harm to take Sam the cat out for a few easy eleven-milers. Needless to say, Sam the cat thought this was a terrible idea. To sway her, I played the guilt card, pointing out how Sam the MaT's pet goes running with him all time. (It's the same approach I use when I point out to Carrie how Sam the MaT's wife goes running with him all the time.)
Sam whined throughout the entire run, but I told her to suck it up, because things were only going to get worse in the near future: For each of the next six days, we would be waking up together at 4:00 a.m. to go search for an authentic Ben Roethlisberger GHB pill that was dropped somewhere in Allegheny County as part of a contest put on by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Every morning as we set off on our search, Sam would give me a look that seemed to ask, "Don't you have a job?" It was a fair question, but everywhere we went, we were surrounded by several thousand fellow pill-searchers, so who was I to question the entire region's economy shutting down so that one of us might win the grand prize of two tickets to Big Ben's wedding reception? The contest came to its extremely disappointing conclusion when a two-year-old girl who isn't even potty-trained yet found the pill in a glass on the bar at Cheerleaders (aka Ground Zero for Gordon's bachelor party).
Then I forced Sam to attend a Pittsburgh Penguins game with me. Given that she runs and hides under the couch every time I get home from work, spending an evening in an arena with over 18,000 people she didn't know was a harrowing experience for her. Just as Sam started to get comfortable, the Pens came out and played a terrible third period, finding a way to lose a game that by all rights they should have won. I stormed out of the arena like a little child, and Sam gave me a look that seemed to say, "Why are you so upset about the Pens losing only one out of 82 regular season games? In a year's time you will almost certainly forget this ever happened." I said nothing in reply because, as we all know, cats just don't understand sports.
The next day I asked Sam if she wanted to write an entry for MaT. She relented at first, so I once again tried to guilt her by pointing out that Sam the MaT's pet wrote an entry post a few months ago. Sam the cat quickly shot me a look that seemed to say, "Why the hell should I write a post for your stupid blog when Gordon never bothers to write for it?" For that, I had no comeback.
At the end of ten occasionally acrimonious days, Carrie and I decided that we needed to show Sam just how much we appreciate her for having saved our marriage, so Carrie worked very hard on penning this tribute song to our new family member. Carrie sings and plays the bass, I'm on guitar, and Sam is on the drums. Enjoy, and look forward to meeting Sam the cat on race weekend!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Famous Trios
- Rocky, Bulwinkle, and Count Snidely
- Lewis, Clark, and an Indian they slaughtered on the trail
- Hall, Oates, and Oates's mustache that got shaved off when the duo reformed
- God, Jesus, and Judas
- Abbott, Costello, and a wad of used toilet paper