Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Boo Hiss

If I recall correctly, there has only been one injury in our marathon preparation to this point, that injury being one suffered by Gordon's knee. I'm sad to report that my hamstring tendon has been bothering me on and off for about a week. It's an old injury, as I remember having it linger around for like six months a few years ago. I can still run on it; there's just a dull pain that doesn't feel too great when it's going through its range of motion.

Hence, this is my rationale for taking a day off per week from here to the marathon. I feel like, for the most part, the proverbial hay is in the barn, even if some cows may end up going hungry this winter. You can really see how far we've come when you're resigning yourself to a single day off each week. Looking back to the early weeks of training, it was great news if we ran three times.

Diagnosis: Pes ancerinus tendonitis
Prescription: More cowbell


  1. I think a day off a week is a great way to avoid the proverbial shit from hitting the fan...

  2. ... sorry, i just wanted to type "proverbial"

  3. Sorry, Sam, sounds like a good plan.

  4. By the way, is that picture an x-ray of Gordon's vagina?

  5. It's pretty much right behind the knee medially. More cowbell.
