Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Disney Proposal

While we hash out the details surrounding the next marathon, I'd like to throw a few considerations out there regarding Disney. Some are pro and some are con.

#1 - I have not been to a Disney resort since I was one year old and got stung by a colony of red ants.

#2 - The last time I had the opportunity to go to Disney was in California when Oliver, Gordon, and Mongeon went. I opted instead to take a nap and pocket what was left of my meal money. I ended up investing that money in Netflix stock, which eventually paid for the down payment on my house. Was it a good decision? The jury is still out. They did seem to have a lot of fun.

#3 - By my cursory count, Disney is 22 weeks from Gordon's wedding. This actually seems to be a pretty good time frame since I don't want to think about marathon training before then, but I want to make sure that it works for the soon-to-be Honeymooners. Natalie and I ran most days on our Honeymoon if I remember right, but I can't really remember the runs. It'll probably be harder if Molly insists on you feeding her grapes all day.

#4 - The race starts at 5:40 am on a Sunday. Do we go down on Thursday, get a park park-hopper pass on Friday, and then chill out Saturday/hit the less physically demanding stuff? Will it be crazy busy if we do it this way? One backdoor option to consider would be to go down on a Saturday, relax, race Sunday, and then hit the rides early in the week. The obvious problem with this plan is our physical condition. I'm pretty sure I will cramp up if I have to make any sort of muscle contraction post-race. History tends to repeat itself.

#5 -Cost for a base pass (one park) is $80, and a park-hopper pass is $133. The race costs $135. When you add lodging, airfare, and food, we're probably looking at $750 pp easy. I'm thinking Disney will be about twice what any other East Coast marathon might cost, but this is just a guess.

#6 - Would a Disney trip lure anyone else into coming over other winter marathons?

#7 - Disney's course looks really challenging.

#8 - #7 was a joke. Here's the real elevation profile:

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