Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Eventually I will write a breakdown of the race from my perspective, as I think we all should, but for now I'm just going to complain about how sore I am.

Man, even my abs are sore. I don't know about you guys but there are muscles in my arms that are sore.

I really hate stairs.


  1. I'm doing okay. Sore, but nothing crazy. Then again, I had, in relative terms, a pretty easy finish, and I didn't have to travel home right after the race, so I feel for you guys.

  2. I was really sore Monday and Tuesday, but today is a little bit better. I could go down the stairs without putting my arms on the wall or railing this morning.

  3. By the way, what is it with you and your spaces between "paragraphs"? Are you trying to make us think you write more than you actually do?

  4. My work computer does this to the postings. I don't know how to reverse it

  5. That came out overly harsh and critical. Kudos for posting at work.
