Usually when I'm feeling down about the weather, I compare Syracuse to the North Pole with a temperature app on my phone, but this morning we "beat" Santa and his elves by a solid ten degrees. Thankfully, it appears that there's somewhere in Maine that's a touch colder than here. {11am edit: It appears that the Weather Channel is changing the map below to reflect current temperatures. At the time of initial writing, Syracuse was -13 and northern Maine was -15 degrees.}

As far as yesterday's race is concerned, the gun went off with the thermometer sitting around 6. The roads were covered with about a half inch of snow, but it was cold enough to keep it tacky and not too slippery. You can kind of get a feel for the conditions in the picture below.

It was a nice course, though: basically flat for the first 1000 meters followed by an uphill next half mile and another shorter, steeper hill right before the 2-mile mark. The final 1.1 was a steady downhill and flat, which is a nice way to end a race. My splits were roughly 5:22, 10:52, 16:52.
I got a pretty sweet watch and free entry to next year's race for winning, but the best part was the chili tasting afterward. About 20 restaurants came out for the event with Crock-pots of chili in tow.
Finally, congratulations to Ross and the Steelers for their third Superbowl berth in six years. Surprisingly, I've discovered that I can root for Pittsburgh and simultaneously hope that Ben fractures his pelvis on every play.
Pretty legit!